

2024/10/10 ()


留言 0



  • てんてん つないで Please give me your hands つよく さあ

    聯繫起 點與點 快 將手使勁伸向我

    Connecting dots one by one, Please give me your hands every time

  • 銘々めいめい思想しそうえ Here we come

    拋開各自的成見 齊聚於此

    Shoulder to shoulder, here we come

  • せんせん むすんで I'll give you my hands もっと さあ

    交織成 線與線 再握緊我的這雙手

    Line to line one by one I’ll give you my hands every time

  • ここにつど希望きぼう

    集結於此吧 希望啊

    Let me be the beacon of our hope

  • “…cause we have a reason to believe you”


    “…cause we have a reason to believe you”

  • 信頼しんらい交錯こうさく おうじる覚悟かくご いだ

    下定決心 去回應 眾人託付的信賴吧

    Faith in each other, We’re ready to do whatever it takes

  • We unite 共鳴きょうめいするこの鼓動こどう 伝播でんぱした意図いと We will never stop

    我們將心中的共鳴團結一致 四處傳播的惡意也無法阻卻我們腳步

    We unite when our lives ring out and become one sound, With our common goal, we will never stop

  • さあ ともつか栄光えいこう Through disaster

    來吧 一同編織掌握於手中的榮光 跨越災厄吧

    Now, together we weave our way, Keeping our beliefs alive through disaster

  • So, let us unite 拡声かくせいするこのこえ共振きょうしんするいと

    來吧 將高呼的聲音與 產生共鳴的線 相互連繫

    So, let us unite, One wish trembles and spreads like a sound wave, Resonates inside me

  • Now we gotta go


    Now we gotta go

  • やみひかりつみばつねがうのなら

    為黑暗帶來光明 對罪過降下懲罰 若要祈願

    Shine a light into the dark, punishment for the sin If you wish for that world

  • Get the courage for our fight


    Get the courage for our fight

  • I will chase, I will trace, where you are looking at

    我將持續追趕尋覓 你所注視的前方

    I will chase, I will trace, where you are looking at

  • Never be afraid of your weakness


    Never be afraid of your weakness

  • You will chase, you will trace, where I am looking at

    你將持續追趕尋覓 我所注視的前方

    You will chase, you will trace, where I am looking at

  • ってかさねる Your and my strength

    緊扣彼此的雙手 將我們的強大結合

    When our hands touch, I’m convinced we have your and my strength

  • てんてん つないで Please give me your hands つよく さあ

    聯繫起 點與點 快 將手使勁伸向我

    Connecting dots one by one Please give me your hands, Never let go

  • わせて I will trust in you つよく さあ

    背靠背 堅定地 我 將信賴託付於你

    So, together we’ll fight I will trust in you, You got my back

  • この命運めいうんは Go with you

    我的命運 與你同進退

    I’ve decided to go with you

  • わせて I'll get your message もっと さあ

    一個眼神交會 無須言語交談

    Feeling it every time I’ll get your message through the eyes

  • 言葉ことばさえもらない


    Don't even need words to understand

  • “…cause I have got a promise to keep”


    “…cause I have got a promise to keep”

  • ゆずれはしない 信念しんねんちかにぎって

    緊握著 決不退讓的 信念與誓約

    I will not give in Carrying only beliefs and vows

  • We unite ふるつこのこころ 見据みすえた希望きぼう Already I know

    我們將心中的振奮團結一致 著眼的希望已了然於胸

    We unite This time I hear nothing but a heartbeat, I see it, hope is there Already I know

  • さあ おそれさえもえていどもう Looking for sunrise

    來吧 跨越恐懼繼續挑戰 放眼尋找破曉之時

    Now, let us not be afraid, We can change and look forward, Looking for sunrise

  • So, let us unite 拡声かくせいするそのこえふるえるほど ちるFervor

    來吧 將高呼的聲音與 伴隨震顫高漲的戰意 一同結合

    So, let us unite, One wish trembling and spreading like a sound, The more it tremors, the more burns fervor

  • ともすくいを きみ明日あしたねがう だから

    為朋友帶來救贖 為你取回明天 那麼就祈願

    I’m wishing for my friend, Morning sunrise to you It all becomes real

  • Get the courage for our fight


    Get the courage for our fight

  • I wish for all…wish for all of you


    I wish for all…wish for all of you

  • つかんだそのだけ はなさないように

    只願那雙緊握的手 決不鬆開

    I've got you tight Take my hand and don't let go, No matter what happens

  • 何度なんどでもつなぐこのいと らすこえひびかせよう

    讓串連的線產生共鳴的聲音 無數次響徹吧

    I'll connect the threads as many times as it takes, Let our trembling voices re-echo

  • なによりあついその結晶けっしょう たずさえて


    The Crystals that are brighter than anything else We have within us

  • Unite 共鳴きょうめいするこの鼓動こどう 伝播でんぱした意図いと We will never stop

    將心中的共鳴團結一致 四處傳播的惡意也無法阻卻我們腳步

    Unite when our lives ring out and become one sound, With our common goal, we will never stop

  • さあ ともつか栄光えいこう Through disaster

    來吧 一同編織掌握於手中的榮光 跨越災厄吧

    Now, together we weave our way, Keeping our beliefs alive through disaster

  • So, let us unite 拡声かくせいするこのこえ共振きょうしんするいと

    來吧 將高呼的聲音與 產生共鳴的線 相互連繫

    So, let us unite, One wish trembles and spreads like a sound wave, Resonates inside me

  • Now we gotta go


    Now we gotta go

  • やみひかりつみばつねがうのなら

    為黑暗帶來光明 對罪過降下懲罰 若要祈願

    Shine a light into the dark, punishment for the sin If you wish for that world

  • Get the courage for our fight


    Get the courage for our fight

  • I will chase, I will trace, where you are looking at

    我將持續追趕尋覓 你所注視的前方

    I will chase, I will trace, where you are looking at

  • Never be afraid of your weakness


    Never be afraid of your weakness

  • You will chase, you will trace, where I am looking at

    你將持續追趕尋覓 我所注視的前方

    You will chase, you will trace, where I am looking at

  • ってかさねる Your and my strength

    緊扣彼此的手 將我們的強大結合

    When our hands touch, I’m convinced we have your and my strength

  • We'll believe, we'll trust, cause we know what is the most precious

    我們信賴彼此 只因胸中懷著珍視的人

    We'll believe, we'll trust, cause we know what is the most precious

  • Now we gotta go…


    Now we gotta go…