Love so sweet : Reborn
Love so sweet : Reborn
It's not a mirror, it's not the sun I'm seeing
You are the light that's shining in the sky
Right on me
My world will never be the same
We've left our shattered dreams behind
And yesterday's a distant time
We can hear a symphony, it's our song of love
Everywhere that you go, I go we belong together
Memories in our hearts, they are forever
There will never be anyone else
That I love as much as I love you
And if you shine your light a little brighter
Hold my hand and we'll reach higher
Believing is everything in love so sweet
見 えるように為了讓妳可以隨時從那裡看見
手 を空 に向 け広 がる君 との思 い出 我將手舉向天空 與妳的回憶無限延伸
Let the journey bring you home and
You will never feel alone
Now the storm's passed us by
We've become a rainbow
思 い出 ずっと ずっと追 いかけた夢 ふたりが遠 くへ行 っても回憶裡一直 一直在追尋的夢想 哪怕我倆去到遠方
辛 い夜 も くじけそうな誓 いでも無論是再痛苦的時候 再脆弱的誓言
笑 ってもっと最後 のLady きっとそっと願 い届 く更開懷大笑吧最後的Lady 心願想必會悄悄地傳抵
Every day and every night it's love so sweet
伝 えきれぬ愛 しさは花 になって街 に降 って傳達不盡的愛意 化作了花朵 飄撒街頭
Wherever, whenever, forever
You know I'll always feel you here
Everywhere that you go, I go we belong together
Memories in our hearts, they are forever
There will never be anyone else
That I love as much as I love you
And if you shine your light a little brighter
Hold my hand and we'll reach higher
Believing is everything
Every day and every night it's
Believing is everything in love so sweet