
Make It Count - INI

Lauren Kaori
Jay Hong・Tae Mu
Jay Hong
2025/01/13 ()


留言 0

Make It Count


  • 急かすように過ぎるTiming


    The timing, passing too fast

  • 目を覚まして見ていた Dream

    醒來後的 Dream

    A dream that I dreamt as I awoke

  • 届きそうでまだ遠くて


    Close, yet always too far

  • I keep on chasing and chasing

    I keep on chasing and chasing

    I keep on chasing and chasing

  • つまづきながら (Yeah)

    一路跌跌撞撞 (Yeah)

    As I stumble (Yeah)

  • 言葉にならない感情 上書きしてく残像

    無法用言語形容的情感 不斷被更新的殘留影像

    Feeling that can’t be put into words An afterimage overwritten

  • 星空の下 尽きない会話 心地よい暖かさ感じてた

    在星空下 聊不完的話 感到舒服又溫暖

    Beneath a starry sky A conversation that never ends, I felt a warmth that was comfortable

  • (Woah) We're gonna make it no matter what (Yeah Yeah)

    (Woah) We're gonna make it no matter what (Yeah Yeah)

  • (It's you) 笑って不安かき消した

    (It's you) 用微笑抹去不安

    (It’s you) I laughed, erasing my anxiety

  • まだ見えない未来よりも (Take it all in)

    與其是還看不到的未來 (Take it all in)

    Rather than a future I cannot see (Take it all in)

  • 今日を焼き付けていて


    I’ll remember this day

  • From now on I'll make every day count (Well)

    From now on I'll make every day count (Well)

    From now on I'll make every day count (Well)

  • 全ての瞬間 Make it count

    所有的瞬間 Make it count

    Every moment - make it count

  • 逃さない Make every day count (Yeah)

    不要錯過 Make every day count (Yeah)

    I’m missing nothing Make every day count (Yeah)

  • 一つ一つが 僕ら彩るカケラたちだ


    Everything is a piece of what colors us

  • I'll make it count (That's right that's right)

    I'll make it count (That's right that's right)

    I'll make it count (That's right that's right)

  • I'll make it count

    I'll make it count

    I'll make it count

  • I'll make it count

    I'll make it count

    I'll make it count

  • Stay ready and make every day count

    Stay ready and make every day count

    Stay ready and make every day count

  • 気づけば ミライは過去になる

    赫然發現 未來將成為過去

    Before you know it, the future becomes the past

  • I'm living the dream

    I'm living the dream

    I'm living the dream

  • 疑心暗鬼 No second guessing

    疑心疑鬼 No second guessing

    Suspicion - No second guessing

  • 振り向かずに そうやって Growing

    不回頭 就這樣 Growing

    No looking back, That way, there’s growing

  • I'm keeping it going

    I'm keeping it going

    I'm keeping it going

  • 焦燥も期待もこの胸を打つ Rhythm of days (Yeah)

    焦躁和期待都讓我感動 Rhythm of days (Yeah)

    Both frustrations and expectations touch my heart, Rhythm of days (Yeah)

  • 帰り道のホームで Straight talk

    在回家路上的月台 Straight talk

    On the platform going home - straight talk

  • いくつも電車を見過ごした


    I missed many trains

  • 黄昏の空に重ねていた Memories

    和黃昏的天空重疊在一起 Memories

    Memories, layered in the twilight sky

  • 目覚めてく My heart

    逐漸清醒 My heart

    My awakening heart

  • Giving it all that I've got

    Giving it all that I've got

    Giving it all that I've got

  • 誰も見たことないような景色が


    A scene that no one has ever seen

  • 見つけ出せるはずだと感じた (I believed)

    感覺我應該能找的到 (I believed)

    I feel I should be able to find it (I believed)

  • この道を進んだら (Things are changing)

    只要沿著這條路前進 (Things are changing)

    If I keep going forward (Things are changing)

  • 君はもっと遠くなる


    You will grow ever more distant

  • From now on I'll make every day count (Well)

    From now on I'll make every day count (Well)

    From now on I'll make every day count (Well)

  • 全ての瞬間 Make it count

    所有的瞬間 Make it count

    Every moment - make it count

  • 逃さない Make every day count (Yeah)

    不要錯過 Make every day count (Yeah)

    I’m missing nothing Make every day count (Yeah)

  • 一つ一つが 僕ら彩るカケラたちだ


    Everything is a piece of what colors us

  • いつかこの日々を 恋しく感じるなら


    One day, I’ll look back on these days With affection

  • 今ここで抱きたい


    I want to embrace the now here

  • Every moment I won't let go

    Every moment I won't let go

    Every moment I won't let go

  • Gonna make it count (Well)

    Gonna make it count (Well)

  • 見逃さないよ 今を


    Don’t overlook the now

  • Don't count the days

    Don't count the days

    Don't count the days

  • Make every day count (Yeah)

    Make every day count (Yeah)

    Make every day count (Yeah)

  • その涙 笑顔も忘れない


    I won’t forget those tears, your smile

  • Make every day count

    Make every day count

    Make every day count

  • I'll make it count (I'll make it count)

    I'll make it count (I'll make it count)

    I'll make it count (I'll make it count)

  • I'll make it count (I'll make it count)

    I'll make it count (I'll make it count)

    I'll make it count (I'll make it count)

  • I'll make it count (I'll make it count)

    I'll make it count (I'll make it count)

    I'll make it count (I'll make it count)

  • Stay ready and make every day count

    Stay ready and make every day count

    Stay ready and make every day count

  • 気づけば (I'll make it count)

    赫然發現 (I'll make it count)

    If I notice (I’ll make it count)

  • ミライが (I'll make it count)

    未來 (I'll make it count)

    The future (I’ll make it count)

  • 「今」になる


    It’ll be “now”

  • Gonna make it count

    Gonna make it count

    Gonna make it count