
Frontiers - Awich
- 作詞
- Awich
- 作曲
- Chaki Zulu
- 發行日期
- 2025/01/05 ()
What you wanna be?
We are the frontiers
挑む With no fear
挑戰 With no fear
Confront with no fear
From zero to a hundred in an instant
Unveiling mysteries hidden deep in the dark
死んでも Rising from the dust
就算死也要 Rising from the dust
Even dead, I rise from the dust
Reaching an unprecedented realm
Trying your uniqueness
It's a test level EX
I'm the best nothing less
開拓してく East to the west
去開拓 East to the west
Pioneering from the east to the west
Erasing all who resist, their data and all
本当に俺は勝てた? 何のための涙?
我真的贏了嗎? 為什麼要流淚?
Did I really win? What are these tears?
誰討厭誰 誰在笑誰 決定勝負的是哪個神?
Who will be hated or loved by the god of victory?
それぞれの願い 仲間と狙う Prize
各自的願望 與夥伴一起追求的 Prize
To Each, their own wishes, With friends, aiming for prize
Seeking answers, cutting through the unknown
What you wanna be?
バグりまくりの世界で Survivor
在充滿漏洞的世界中 Survivor
Bugged out world, I'm a survivor
メラメラ燃やす導きの Fire
熊熊燃燒的指引之 Fire
Blazing with the guiding fire
Show me the Show me the Shangri-La
What you wanna be?
Show me the Show me the Shangri-La
What you wanna be?
宣戦布告 System に Aim back
對System 宣戰 Aim back
Declare war. At the system, we aim back
己を見失えば即 Game up
若迷失自我就立即 Game up
Lose yourself, and it's game over
Show me the Show me the Shangri-La
What you wanna be?
Show me the Show me the Shangri-La
What you wanna be?
We are the frontiers
挑む With no fear
挑戰 With no fear
Confront with no fear
開いてく Neo utopia
去開啟 Neo utopia
Opening the Neo Utopia
浮世に沈む Paranoia
沉淪於浮世 Paranoia
Fleeting world deep paranoia
A trembling finger on the trigger
Think twice before you pull it
戦うごとに Level up
每次戰鬥都在 Level up
With every battle, I level up
逆に成敗 頂くレアドロップ
反過來制裁 獲得稀有掉落
Take them down, collect rare drops
Get the guap Get the guap して即ダッシュ
Get the guap Get the guap 立刻衝刺
Get the guap, get the guap, then dash away
ほら3,2,1 奪取
看吧3,2,1 奪取
3, 2, 1, seize it
今に見せてあげる 全てこれに賭ける
現在就讓你看看 把一切都賭上
I'll show you in time, I put it on my life
この国からあの雲まで Big な橋を架ける
從這個國家到那片雲 架起Big的橋樑
From this land to those clouds, Building a big bridge
追い求める Freedom 地を平せば Queendom
追求 Freedom 若平定大地就是 Queendom
Chasing the freedom, Landing the queendom
Seeking answers, cutting through the unknown
What you wanna be?
バグりまくりの世界で Survivor
在充滿漏洞的世界中 Survivor
Bugged out world, I'm a survivor
メラメラ燃やす導きの Fire
熊熊燃燒的指引之 Fire
Blazing with the guiding fire
Show me the Show me the Shangri-La
What you wanna be?
Show me the Show me the Shangri-La
What you wanna be?
宣戦布告 System に Aim back
對System宣戰 Aim back
Declare war. At the system, we aim back
己を見失えば即 Game up
若迷失自我就立即 Game up
Lose yourself, and it's game over
Show me the Show me the Shangri-La
What you wanna be?
Show me the Show me the Shangri-La
What you wanna be?
We are the frontiers
挑む With no fear
挑戰 With no fear
Confront with no fear
You know I'll be there
覆す Limits 今こそが New beginning
顛覆 Limits 現在正是 New beginning
Overturning limits Now is the new beginning